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$35.00 DC Comics Tales of the Teen Titans set of 6 Nos. 46,47,50-53
$25.00 Eclipse Comics DNAgents (1985) complete set of 20 1-17 3-D Super Special Amazing Heroes issue
$14.00 DC Comics Justice League of America set of 5 from 1984 Conway Patton
$12.00 Ballantine Alice Borchardt wolf trilogy The Silver Wolf Night of the Wolf The Wolf King
$18.00 DC Comics Justice League of America (2006) set of 9 27-34 plus JLA Special
$15.00 DC Comics JLA Classified set of 9 issues 22-25, 50-54, Detroit satellite eras
$20.00 DC Comics Camelot 3000 1-12 complete set 1982-1985 Brian Bolland
$10.00 AiT/Planet Lar First Moon OGN 2006 Jason McNamara Tony Talbert
$10.00 Pocket Books Star Trek: The Mirror Universe Saga trilogy William Shatner with Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens
$12.00 IDW The Last Resort tpb 2010 Jimmy Palmiotti Justin Gray Giancarlo Caracuzzo
$25.00 AWA Upshot Fight Girls complete set 1-5 2021 Frank Cho Sabine Rich
$20.00 Viper Comics The Lost Books of Eve complete set 1-4 Josh Howard 2007
$16.00 Dabel Brothers Take a Chance complete set 1-5 2008 C.E. Murphy Ardian Syaf
$12.00 Asylum Press The Asylum of Horrors oversized No. 1 trade tpb
$18.00 New Pain Productions Sampler set of three first issue comics Cuda, Jump, Hate Stings All
$9.00 Kel McDonald Fame and Misfortune digest 2013
$10.00 Oni Press The Man From Maybe complete set 1-3 2023 Shaky Kane
$18.00 Zenescope Grimm Fairy Tales trade set tpbs set of two 2006 2007
$15.00 Wallaby The First Kingdon comic album by Jack Katz
$27.00 DC Comics The Multiversity complete set 2014 9 comics Grant Morrison
$10.00 DC Comics Vigilante: City Lights, Prairie Justice (1995) complete set 1-4 james Robinson Tony Salmons
$12.00 DC Comics Vigilante (2005) complete set 1-6 Bruce Jones Ben Oliver
$8.00 Harper Science Fiction Quest For Tomorrow set by William Shatner Delta Search In Alien Hands
$45.00 Marvel Comics The Avengers 1998 set of 17 comics Geoff Johns Thor Iron Man Cap She-Hulk
$10.00 Antarctic Press DinoWars Vol. 1 Rod Espinoza digest manga 2007
$10.00 HCI Chicken Soup for the Country Soul paperback and CD set
$28.00 Marvel Comics The Amazing Spider-Man Essential Volume 8 (2007)
$35.00 Marvel Knights Shanna the She-Devil complete set of seven 1-7 (2005) Frank Cho
$18.00 DK Publishing JLA: The Ultimate Guide to the Justice League of America hardcover w/dust jacket 2002
$18.00 DK Publishing Batman: The Ultimate Guide to the Dark Knight hardcover w/dust jacket 2001
$18.00 DK Publishing Wonder Woman: The Ultimate Guide to the Amazon Princess hardcover w/dust jacket
$28.00 Marvel Comics The Savage Sub-Mariner (1974) set of three 70-71-72 Marv Wolfman Steve Skeates
$12.00 Dark Horse Break Out tpb trade (2023) Kaplan santos Wordie Campbell
$14.00 Image Comics Parasocial OGN hardcover Alex de Campi Erica Henderson 2023
$35.00 Dark Horse Ask For Mercy tpb Saeson One Two (2023) Richard Starkings Abigail Jill Harding
$40.00 Image Comics Stillwater complete set of three trades (2021-23) Zdarsky Perez Spicer